Sunday, March 31, 2013


The big dream again...I guess many have their special very own dream. Somehow my dream has always alongside of things related to audio-visual things and things that benefit the public particularly the poors, malays, muslims, rural folks, farmers etc.

My first big dream came in 1997/98. I bought an Olympus 1.3megapixels at a cost of nearing rm4k from FotoKem@MidValley. My intention then was non-else than to capture as much digital pictures of internal and external of majority of the mosques all around our beloved country. Things took about 6months to complete from compilation to writing proposal and binding for the view of the Minister of Religious Affairs, late Tan Sri Dr Abdul Hamid Othman who was incidently my ex-neighbor at Taman Tenaga, Puchong. 

There was a grand design to having all mosques equipped with AV equipment plus PLASMAs/LCDs and Projectors. Intention was simple, thru my research earlier on, the effectiveness of knowledge dissemination via audio alone and audio-visual is 20:80; textual info on visual can only go to roughly 40%, therefore in the Fridays' Khutbah probability of message streaming into jemaahs' mind shall shoot up to nearly 90%. If that the case, then if the jemaahs go home and tell their wives of the knowledge they just got, at least the probability of getting the message across is 0.18 or 18% which is almost similar to what the khatib said back at the mosque moment ago. My calculation was simple if we have 52 weeks of Fridays and 2 days of Hari-Rayas, we stand the chance to garner 54 new knowledges that could propel us muslims to a higher altitude.

I also do believe that similar setup can also be applicable in Masjidil-Haram and Masjid Nabawi; the only difference is PLASMAs/LCDs/Projectors should project khutbah of different languages that would ease the comprehension of people of mother-tongue other than ARABs. You said we want perpaduan or cohesiveness among us at world stage so this is the right place where millions of delelegates from all over the world get to convene at one place. Of course that was only my personal vision; like wanting to have the khutbah's package distributed electronically via one source, JAKIM.

With due respect to Tan Sri, I didn't choose to hand-over the copy at his house (Taman Tenaga) altho we sometimes speak to each other during intermission of Maghrib and Isyak. I chose to visit him at his office at 4th floor PM Department but somehow he had another engagement elsewhere. Then I saw a figure I recognised, Dato' Othman Desa (I call him ustaz), he was the Setpol of Tan Sri and he was also my former immediate neighbor when I was in Taman Delima, Cheras (near Bukit Anggerik and Alam Damai). So I pass-over the document to him without hesitation. Few moon later, he jumped the ship and move into Pak Lah territory also as Setpol, senior I guess. Perhap he knows in advance that Tan Sri would lose his Sik-constituency the SHIT writer in 1999.

Now a few moon later also, my friend Engineer Helmi Zakaria aka Cikaro VP of Celcom call me for a discussion at De Palma Ampang. I wasn't too excited if having to travel from Puchong for a cup of coffee. I'd read my stock-piled books or spent time gardening. But I was conviced by him someone important and powerful want our advice and promise to give us some financial opportunity if it succeeds.

Guess what? The man I met was Datuk Dr Abdul Razak Omar from Yayasan Nurul Yaqeen (now some minister setpol). You know what, he didn't know that the proposal he was trying to buy us into was mine, originally mine. So I took a detour, excuse for clearing of bowels and went off without saying good-bye. Personally I hate cheaters!!!

I will countinue in the next chapter.

Got to sign-off already
rashidali 31032012@0135hours

Thursday, March 28, 2013

my1@groChannel is my own Lampiasan Minda

Yes, I have been an engineer since 1985 but I have been a paddy planter since I was six or seven. Now, and for the last four or five years, I started turning back and gearing towards becoming a full-time farmer (paddy, palm, and lembu-kambing).

Yes, since last one year it has started lingering my mind why not we share our knowledge with each other and together we make more money and make our kampongs productive, beautiful, rich and well known.

Then, gradually I penned down thru the power-points and by 3Q12 my proposed items are done dan timbullah my1@groChannel di persada merangkumi my1@groTV, my1@groFM dan I was interested to give the stuff to Menteri Pertanian dan Perniagaan Asas Tani (MoA), malangnya saya tidak mendapat peluang untuk mendapat appointment dari beliau. Kemudian saya ambil keputusan untuk jumpa teman lama zaman persekolahan, YB Datuk Fadillah Yusof TM MOSTI di lobi parlimen. Lepas tu maka berjalanlah perbincangan kecil-kecilan dengan pegawai MOSTI untuk mencuba dapatkan geran yang bersesuaian.

Selepas itu saya juga menghubungi teman lama di Sime Darby dan Inter Alya iaitu Datuk Kamaludin Abdullah Badawi kalau2 dapat berjumpa ayahnya namun pada ketika itu mereka rupanya di tanah suci mengerjakan Umrah. So, saya delay dulu walaupun diberitahu mereka akan kembali ke tanah air pada awal Januari.

Tunggu punya tunggu timbul pulak 1M4U, saya ingatkan untuk semua rupanya hanya buat mereka yang 40 tahun ke bawah. Malangnya saya sudah silap mengelak mulut rimau masuk mulut buaya, soft-copy telah sampai ke TV3 bukan Pejabat PM. Hushhhh...TV3 memang terkenal tukar kulit ganti kulit. Maka habislah myBigDream!!!

Tapi arnab tak berhenti berusaha walaupun terpaksa berpanas dan berhujan. I will succeed with my1@groTV someday, because I know each and every stuff I wrote plus I also know each and every key stakeholders and potential advertisers. Wish me luck!

Got to sign-off
rashidali 28032013@2129hours